Sunday, February 20, 2011


Assignment 1:
Treasure Hunt

I put this image up because I was immediately drawn to it. I felt that the lighting was just right and the placement of the figure was perfect for what he was trying to say. The leading line of the blanket up to his movement of his arm and under his chin leads me into the main composition and keeps me attracted. The way it was cropped was fantastic. probably in post!

Assignment 2:
Short Story

I thought these images worked to tell a story because they depict this town in it's everyday settings. When I looked at them I felt as if I was standing there seeing these places as a normal townsperson would. I was also greatly drawn to the composition as color as a whole in the images.

Assignment 3:
Take a picture of a non-photographer, then have them photograph you

I was immediately drawn to this image for the fact that children took one. I've always been interested in how amazingly well some pictures children take, come out. I liked these two images placed next to each other because they both have the same kind of focus and lighting. I like the fall off around the woman's face next to the image of the 2 boys and the lighting shining in between them.

Assignment 4: 
Photo with words

I didn't like this assignment at all. I think it's because I like simplicity and I like the viewer to take the time to figure out what the image means to them rather than to take the time to describe it in a caption. I also didn't think they were tastefully done at all. I chose this image solely for the color and the fact that the caption wasn't hugely visible.

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